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Top 5 Baby Registry Items & Must Haves

Top 5 Baby Registry Items & Must Haves

As a first time mom, and one of the first in my friend group to pop out a little one, I was LOST when it came to my baby registry.

Today’s blog is going to be a short and sweet blog post, dedicated to my top 5 MUST have on your registry items. I hope this is helpful! (P.S. I added 6 because one is breastfeeding mama specific)

When making your registry, think of big ticket items and essentials. The good thing about putting the hefty priced items on your registry is because people can chip in for that one larger item.

I registered on Babylist and the cool thing about Babylist is that you can connect all different sites to it.

Okay my top 5.

CAR SEAT - one hundred percent register for a good Car Seat. Do your research, and go into stores and look at them first hand. Car Seats are usually upwards of a couple hundred dollars, so it's pricey but a necessity. Register, register, register!

STOLLER - again, a pricey item. And again, do your research AND go into stores and test them out. Some of them ride really differently than others and some you can attach your car seat to for easy outings.

BABY MONITOR - If you are anything like me, you’re overly anxious. A good baby monitor can reallllllly help with that. I have one where you can track their heart rate and blood oxygen levels as well as see their sleep progress. If you want a higher tech baby monitor, again, they get pricey, so definitely put this on your registry!

If you decide to breastfeed, I recommend a HANDS FREE BREAST PUMP. You are entitled to a free hospital grade (depending on your insurance, but I believe almost most offer this). Definitely take full advantage of getting a free hospital grade one, usually they work best anyway. (I used the Spectra and it worked phenomenally although it was large and cumbersome). When I was on the go, whether it was traveling or going back to work, I needed a smaller, more compact and hands free pump. Now these can reallllly be pricey and you do not want to mess with your supply and get one that might not work that well. Do your research, find a great one and put it on your registry!!!! Trust me.

BASSINET / MINI CRIB - I think it goes without saying that this is a necessity lol. I used a bassinet for my daughter until she was around 8 months old until she got way too long and wiggly for her bassinet. I then transferred her to a mini crib and it was the BEST thing I did. She has a full crib but she still sleeps in the room with my husband and I and the mini crib is the perfect solution. She is comfortable, has room, can use it until she is 3 years old, it FOLDS UP and looks super cute. When she is ready to go to her room full time I am going to bring it to my parents house for sleepovers there. Originally, I thought that a mini crib was a waste but BOY oh BOY I was wrong. I love it and I do think it is worth it beyond. Register for this or of course a bassinet!!

WAGON - Okay this sounds so random but we use ours every. single. day. It is just so great especially if you love to go on walks, go to the beach or spend time outside in general. Get the one with the seatbelt and the canopy top for even more opportunity for use. As soon as my little one hit 9 months old and was into exploring the world a little more, we would go for a wagon walk every evening. She would have books, toys and snacks right in there with her and she was able to feel less constricted and more independent. Honestly overall its just fantastic (especially for carrying your diaper bag lol)

I hope this was helpful!