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Pregnancy Craving Guilt

Pregnancy Craving Guilt

I am pregnant with my first, and have always thought I would be able to maintain my healthy eating habits throughout pregnancy no problem but thats been FAR from the case. Once I noticed a decline in my eating I was hoping I would at least be able to continue staying active...literally nope.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, my cravings completely took over. I thought I'd be craving fruits and veggies, or at least want to continue eating the foods I always do, but nope. All I have been wanting is pizza, chips, and anything as salty as possible. I’ve even found myself in the kitchen at midnight, devouring disgusting amounts of pickles. Its so bad because all this sodium is definitelyyyyy making me retain water more than I should.

It feels like I have no control over it. I try to make healthier choices, like swapping chips for popcorn or (god forbid an apple), but sometimes, nothing else will do. And then the guilt sets in. I know I should be eating better for both me and my baby, but when the cravings hit, it’s like I can’t ignore them.

The hardest part for me has been the nausea. When I feel sick, the thought of eating anything healthy makes my stomach turn, but I can almost always manage to keep down comfort food. The first time the nausea set in, the only food I ate the entire day was sour cream and onion chips....I keep telling myself, *This is just temporary. It’s okay to give in every once in a while.* Still, I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing enough for my baby.

I’m trying to give myself some grace. I’m reminding myself that it’s okay if I don’t eat perfectly all the time—pregnancy isn’t about perfection. I try to make small changes where I can: adding a veggie to my pizza, having a side of fruit with my sandwich, or drinking more water. But at the end of the day, I’m doing the best I can, and I have to remember that that is enough.

If you're in the same boat, just know you’re not alone. We’re navigating this journey with all its ups and downs, and our babies will still thrive, even if we give in to those cravings sometimes. So, here's to doing the best we can and letting go of the guilt. We've got this and a bag of chips!